Submit Your Commitment Online

In a rapidly changing world, we are competing with worldly forces for the hearts and minds of the next generation.

At CCC, we want to plan to compete for every minute by building a campus designed to get your family and your neighbors in a gospel-rich environment that pushes them to trust Jesus and live life his way.

Watch this recap video from Premiere Night to learn more.

Renovation projects

Download Booklet
  • Renovated kids area

  • The sanctuary

  • Adult classrooms

  • New office space

  • Legacy Park


How To Participate

First – Pray1

We ask that you pray about what God wants you to invest into Every Minute Matters above and beyond your regular giving. We have already seen God affirming this vision in monumental ways and we can’t wait to see how God will use you in this.

Second - Attend Commitment Night2

Now is the opportunity to come together for a meaningful time of bringing our financial commitments forward for Every Minute Matters.  The event will begin with dinner together followed by a short time of worship. We will then have the opportunity to write down names on the Sanctuary floor of those we are praying will come into relationship with Christ. Our time will culminate with the opportunity to bring forward financial commitments for Every Minute Matters. We are praying in advance for how God will use each one of us to invest in this mission. 

Children ages five and under will eat with their family but are welcome to take advantage of childcare for the commitment portion of the event taking place in the Sanctuary.

Mar. 9 - 4 p.m., 5 p.m., and 6 p.m. (3 identical sessions)

Third – Remind3

Bring to Commitment Night the piece of wood that you received at Premiere Night. Write a verse, your family’s name, or something else meaningful on one side of the wood. These pieces will come together as a display that will be a reminder of what God has done, and is doing, through Every Minute Matters.

Fill out this form to let us know how you will commit to investing in Every Minute Matters by May of 2027.



Renovated kids space

The kids’ area will be totally isolated and secure for the safety of each and every child. The atrium and welcome area will be expanded creating a primary kid’s entrance. There will be cosmetic and room upgrades allowing for at least 450 children in attendance at a time.

An indoor playground for kids and families to use year-round complementing the outdoor playground that has been widely used by our community during the summer months.

We will launch a weekday preschool, The Deb Wides Learning Center, in the newly renovated Kids Space. As Every Minute Matters, we hope to have the opportunity to influence and share the gospel with kids and families through the impact of a preschool. The preschool will be named The Deb Wides Learning Center in honor of the legacy of Deb Wides, former Kids’ Director at Christ Community Chapel.

The kids’ area will be totally isolated and secure for the safety of each and every child. The atrium and welcome area will be expanded creating a primary kid’s entrance. There will be cosmetic and room upgrades allowing for at least 450 children in attendance at a time.

An indoor playground for kids and families to use year-round complementing the outdoor playground that has been widely used by our community during the summer months.

We will launch a weekday preschool, The Deb Wides Learning Center, in the newly renovated Kids Space. As Every Minute Matters, we hope to have the opportunity to influence and share the gospel with kids and families through the impact of a preschool.

The preschool will be named The Deb Wides Learning Center in honor of the legacy of Deb Wides, former Kids’ Director at Christ Community Chapel.

The sanctuary space will be transformed and updated.

We will move from pews to theater seating, new carpeting and improved surfaces. House and stage lighting upgrades allowing for a safer and more navigable space.

New adult classrooms

Spaces will be updated with cosmetic improvements. There will be updates in the hallways to make them more navigable for guests and allowing for improved spaces to gather outside of classrooms.

New office space

An attached office building allows for the reworking of the kids’ space and adult classrooms.

Legacy Park

Utilization of our outdoor space for sports and community building. This will entail a turfed field, outdoor stage and a walking track. On the East side of the field there will be an area that will highlight God’s past faithfulness to CCC while also inspiring us to reach the next generation.